Be The Coral: Ending Global Warming in 2 Years after Project Start, Saving our Primary Oxygen Source
Project #BeTheCoral aims to end global warming through the regeneration of Earth’s ozone layer, giving our endangered coral all around the world the vital radiation protection it so desperately needs to stay alive.
To the wealthiest families in the world, I say now is your time to ensure your families do not have to live underground.
I am compelled to present a palatable plan that will provide an incentive to all, including the young environmentalist. I am asking the people what they think about moving forward in this endeavor.
I will show them: I live my faith and am thanking God for my self-awareness by regenerate the ozone Layer, and that it is a feasible task—just as all life before us and, with us now, has done by participating in creation by God’s design, letting life work with him, building the atmosphere as they did to make possible a place for more life created in God’s hands into this world. Now it is our turn.
I will show them how God has taught us why we must do it. I will show them how we will do it. I will tell them the benefits and the millions of jobs it will create. Doing this will make mankind feel better about itself. It will make the world’s population believe in us again. We will lead the world peacefully and even enrich all faiths.
Nelsons A.M.R
A Platform to Revitalize Our Economy
Restoring Health To Our Planet
1. The Ozone is the world’s heat shield, shielding us from the heat of the sun.
2. Global warming currently is about 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit above pre-industrial levels.
3. Our declining ozone layer is permitting an increase of harmful radiation to reach the surface of our planet. Amongst other things, the increase is more than plant life has ever been exposed to. It is stressing the vegetations metabolism. Whereas by design they convert carbon into oxygen through a process we call photosynthesis. Part of this process includes the collection of carbon dioxide to be stored internally before it is metabolised. This exposure is effectively disabling their metabolic process resulting in loss of their ability to absorb the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere resulting in warming the planet 1.53 degree Fahrenheit temperature. Ultimately for the plant, the increased radiation sickens them and if unchecked will cause there death. Restoring our Ozone Layer will correct this problem and many others.
4. Regenerating of the ozone layer alone will cool the planet by taking advantage of its heat shielding characteristic.
5. The current atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are feeding the trees to the point that their increasing growth rate has stopped the deserts from growing and in fact is making them smaller. They need this carbon dioxide level to be maintained. Thats nature talking. It was by design that we would recycle the oil fuel in the ground and, that it would benefit not only us but vegetative life as well. Something like this has happened before, when the Anaerobe we call Coral changed their diet and began metabolizing sulfur dioxide for nourishment enabling them to produce oxygen and lime. This was the first time oxygen was produced by life in this world. Funny thing is that the lime they produced not only served as the cities we call wreaths but, the excess lime they created was set to drift in the ocean and, when it came in contact with their new food source,” Sulfur Dioxide” a chemical reaction occurred, and salt was created. And began the balance of the oceans PH.
6. 57 years ago, the Coral was still producing 80% of the world’s oxygen on a daily basis and, now ¾’s of the Coral has died from the increased water temperature. Resulting in the loss of 60% of the worlds daily oxygen production overall. So only 40% of the oxygen production still remains. It took 50 years to lose ½ of the coral and unexpectedly will take only 12 years to loss the second half due to exponential acceleration of the processes involved. We are already seven years into the final 12 years before the coral becomes extinct. Then we will be down to only 20% of the preindustrial global oxygen production. This is happening because the delicate state of the Coral babies at their moment of birth proved their vulnerability to withstand the elevated water temperature brought on by global warming. For them it is like being born on a hot skillet. Once they are gone, there will be no bring them back.
7. The last of the Coral is forecasted to be extinct by August 21 2029
8. Oxygen absorbs the first of the two deadly radiations, and by doing that, ozone is formed.
9. Ozone absorbs the second of the two deadly radiations shining down from the sun as well as shields us from the heat of the sun.
10. The two deadly radiations from the sun—UVA and UVB—middle violet light that slips past the oxygen and ozone is killing our soil microorganisms needed for food crop. These deadly radiations actually will kill everything with enough intensity.
11. The expected global droughts in 2026, announced in 2024 by the United Nations combined with increased deadly radiation, may likely reduce oxygen production even further only to leave the world without enough protection from the deadly radiation beaming down from the sun, devastating the atmosphere and the surface of the planet as the vegetation dies. Plan B is to try to live underground.
12. The wind pattern changes we are experiencing are due to the trees fighting to grow, and effecting the deserts, which partially is the cause of the extreme weather we are experiencing now.
13. Living underground preparations have been going on for decades because they didn’t think regenerating the ozone layer was feasable. So we have developed the ability to create fish and chicken in a test tube for nourishment. Further we have developed electric cars for undergrown transportation where consumption of oxygen would be prohibited. Underground highways and communities along with farms using artificial light to grow food. The new green deal offers prison like facilities above ground for the unfortunate. We can not rule out the desperate act of cannibalism. We must wake up out of this forming nightmare.
14. Working on this problem will make people feel better about themselves and give us renewed common ground all around the world.
15. This economic platform is to Revitalize our Economy by Restoring Health to our Planet.
16. We delivered two death blows to our planet that we must attend two.
First (I) , we supersaturated our atmosphere with Chlorine gas, CFC’s. It is one of the lightest gases and rose to the top of the top of the atmosphere and filled it all the way down to the surface and still we added more. And like in a swimming pool the chlorine gas was absorbed by the water particles in all of our atmosphere. Therefore, all of the water in our atmosphere including rain, clouds, humidity, snow and hail is all chlorinated
A) During the night somewhere between the surface of our planet and the top of the atmosphere the chlorinated water freezes, and forms into chlorinated ice due to the absence of the warmth from the sun.
B) In the morning, when the sun warms the atmosphere the chlorinated ice melts naturally. Such is recognized over the south pole as its yearly morning begins. And like over the south pole, it also occurs every morning of every day all around the world regardless of season.
C) It is the melting of chlorinated ice in the presence of Ozone=O3 that creates the reaction that destroys the ozone molecule. In this reaction the chlorine gas molecule also begins to fall apart but, it has isotopes. To save itself the chlorine gas molecule spends one of its isotopes which enables the chlorine gas molecule to reform to do it again. Since each chlorine gas molecule begins with at least 200,000 isotopes we know it is destined to destroy at least 200,000 ozone molecules before running out of them. Once they have no more isotopes they will not be able to reform and continue to fall apart in its last reaction with the ozone.
D) Given the known quantity of Chlorine gas in the atmosphere we know that this process will continue for thousands of years before all of the chlorine gas molecules in the atmosphere runs out of isotopes. So, we will have jobs for thousands of years making the world a better place as our thanks to God.
Second ( II) In 1990 during the Gulf War, “Desert Storm”, Saddam Hussein set over 270 oil rigs on fire in oil fields in Kuwait, releasing high concentration of carbon continuously into the atmosphere. It took 4-1/2 years to put those fires out. That one-time massive overdose of carbon put into our atmosphere was a serious event we must still address. Because, as the carbon settled into our oceans, and it has, its carbonic acid changed the Ph of the oceans.
A) The fish are dying due to the high acid PH
B) The symbiont of the Coral is stressed by the increased PH and water temperatures and, without relief are also dieing. During their sickened state they are feeding the Coral the wrong chemicals which sickens the adult Coral as well forces the Coral to reject the symbiont which, gives the Coral their color, causes the adult Coral appearance to be bleached. The Coral needs the symbiont to survive. The Adult Coral is tough enough to withstand global warming but cannot survive without their symbiont anymore. So, when its symbiont dies, the adult Coral dies soon after.
In order for God to savor every possible way for this world to insure many who had a need to give thanks for their self-awareness, God only developed the world up to the point that life could begin to participate in creation. So, when the first to come were briefed, God showed them a world without an atmosphere, it had oceans without oxygen, their were, and still are, two deadly radiations shining down on the earth from the sun and, sulfur dioxide there spewing out from volcanoes and settling in the oceans. The ocean’s surface absorbed the deadly radiations from the sun, leaving a place in the ocean below the depths of the radiation penetration, where life could begin, there thank you for their self-awareness by, making the world a better place.
The first life in this world were Anaerobes, they developed the first metabolism on earth. For their own reasons they needed to thank God for their self-awareness, even while they were formless in Gods hands and that’s why they are here. So, for them was created a way to give thanks. God taught them how their participation in creation would be a nice way to give thanks to fulfill their need to give thanks. They new before coming to this world they would utilize two sets of four amino acids groups. By applying the first set of, four amino acids, to a simple compound molecule containing carbon that they would separate the carbon away from the molecule then apply the second set, of four amino acids, to what remained, would convert it into glucose, to nourish themselves and that was the beginning of life. After doing all that could be done, God showed the next group of life forms still formless in hand that as Anaerobes coming to this world, God showed them how he created the world and what the original Anaerobes did and, achieved such as the development of metabolism. God taught this next group, to build on the work of the original Anaerobes, how to develop a more sophisticated metabolism, involving them to change their diet to sulfur dioxide that was plenty in supply as it fell into the deoxygenated ocean. By doing this they would not only nourish themselves, they would also produce oxygen and lime. These Anaerobes is what we call Coral. By changing their diet they began oxygenating the oceans and improving the PH as well. In time God educated the next crew coming to this world to build on the works of the Coral. In came the symbiont of the Coral to, works with coral as a team member, to convert carbon into oxygen and water, this predates photosynthesis. So Originally the Coral on their own made oxygen and lime. With the lime they built their limestone houses we call wreaths, and the left over lime they left in the water turned into salt as it came into contact with the sulfur dioxide in the water. And with the symbiont they multi tasked, with the help of their new partner. The next to arrive built on the works of the Coral/symbiont team and developed a way to convert carbon into oxygen themselves by taking advantage of light. This was the development of photosynthesis.
As the oxygen levels increased in the ocean, the original anaerobes could not tolerate the oxygen, only one was found to be tolerant and it is still here with us today. It is YEAST. Fortunately in the case of the others that who were also intolerant, servided because it was easier for the ever increasing oxygen production to rise out of the waters rather than go any deeper into the Mariana Trench . So those in the trench also survived. They now are making a comeback and many of them now, like the yeast that can tolerate the oxygen, have been found in both the oceans and our atmosphere. God always leaves a way. So, as the oxygen rose up from the seas it was the first time, the first radiation was absorbed by something else than the surface of the seas. The absorption of the first deadly radiation caused the disassociated of the two atoms that made up the oxygen molecule. atoms of the the oxygen resulting in two atomic particles of oxygen commonly called “O one” having only a single covalent bond were enabled to bond with local O2 molecules and in doing this two molecules of ozone=O3 was created. It turns out that the newly created ozone absorbed the second of the two deadly radiations. With that it was just a matter of time as our atmosphere began to develop that the radiation absorption created an atmospheric shield which allowed the vegetation to cover the world’s surface to produce much more oxygen. Then when the vegetation died it released nitrogen into the oxygen layer above the surface of our world. So because the nitrogen does not interact with the sun our atmosphere report is that 78% of our atmosphere is nitrogen and the reason why the oxygen level never got higher than 21% of the atmosphere is because the sun keeps turning it into ozone. Do you now see how all life is self-aware and that all life from the beginning of life in this world fulfilled their need to thank God for their self-awareness by, participating in creation. Now God has shown to us what we should do should we want to do the same. It is our turn to shine.
Say for example your parents did something so wonderful that you just had to thank them and, you ran out of the house to express your thank and, when you got outside you found they had the whole yard upside down and unrecognizable. Regardless of how busy they are you tell them “I want to thank them so much”. Then they respond by saying to you, “Don’t worry about giving thanks we’re just happy that you are here with us.” And then you say “Oh, but I really got to thank you.” Isn’t it likely they may say, “Well if you really want to thank us , why don’t you grab a shovel and fill that whole and then take a rake and smooth out the ground surface over there so we can plant more seeds of life in the place that you prepared.”
What a gift it is, to participate in creation by making the world a better place I am address Gods Concern that we are to inpatient with our faith in one another to do what we came here to do. To Thank God for our self-Awareness
We must regenerate the Ozone Layer and fix the Ph of our oceans within two years from now.
R Hour: June 29 2026
I want to regenerate the Ozone layer to end global warming.
We need to be up and running within two years or less, to insure there is enough of the Coral population left to successfully repopulate them in time. If we let the Coral go extinct, in five years from now there we will be down to our last 20% of oxygen production and that’s from the trees and plant life, algae, etc. Even now too much radiation is making its way down to the surface, killing microorganisms and causing crop failures. Then, with so little oxygen, the Ozone production will be reduced letting in more of the second deadly radiation, accelerate Global warming, killing even more organisms, cause endless drought and finally wipe out the trees and plants and the world will have no oxygen production.
and increase of the second deadly radiation will also reach the surface of the planet killing even more and the temperatures will increase exponentially causing droughts and bad weather. As for the trees, without water and increasing intense global warming, they, will wither. Then nothing will be producing oxygen. You see, God always leaves us a way. Now we know what we have to do to give our thanks for our self-awareness and make the world a better place by participating in creation. God has finally educated us on what we need to do to survive and thank him by making the world a better place. Such a gift is so exciting.
I like Space Force and have developed a non-turbine engine design that can get us into space without burning any liquid oxygen to get into space from a runway. This engine makes delivering the 400 satellites I need to launch every day to shine enough light intensity to do the whole planet.
And best I know, with other current technology it still takes 272 million pounds of liquid oxygen just to blast off like the bottle rockets they are and carry only satellites into space. That’s why Regenerating the ozone layer was infeasible until now.
I need a fleet of 120 vehicles capable of 12 satellites each so to launch 40 vehicles per day carrying 10 satellites each to regenerate the ozone layer and cool the planet 1.53 degrees. Should several vehicles returning from space require downtime for service, the extra capacity capability of each of them having room for 2 more means we can still reach our target goal of 400 satellites being launched every day. Further if we want to cool the planet completely knowing that global warming is 1.58 degrees, we can launch a few more satellites to control the planet temperature completely.
That will save the coral babies from dying at birth
At 2 billion dollars each. 120 vehicles X 2 Billion dollars =240 Billion Dollars, Then spread the cost out over their twenty years life expectancy bringing the principal cost down to 12 billion dollars a year.
In my original forecast I estimated ½ a million dollars per satellite.
400 satellites x 365 days per year = 73 billion dollars a year
73 B + 12 B=85 billion dollars raw cost per year to do the whole planet.
Today I forecast raw cost of 2 trillion per year and think it will ramp up into a world market value of 20 trillion dollars per year. Making millions of American jobs for thousands of years.
When I contacted Bill Mankin, director and founder of the Nation Center of Atmospheric Research around 1990 he loved my plan of shinning down the same light that the sun shines to convert oxygen into ozone, he taught me how the chlorine gas was destroying the ozone layer and did the energy calculations need to replace the Ozone being destroyed on a daily basis. So, I’m fact checked my Americas best.
How the Ozone layer is built and the work it does
There are two deadly radiations shining down from the sun.
Shining the 1st of the 2 deadly radiations forms Ozone.
1) We are shielded from the 1st deadly radiation by oxygen because it absorbs its energy. By absorbing the radiation, the two atoms of the molecule become dissociated as the double bond between them is unbound. So, these two atomic particles are free to gravitate over toward the their neighbor’s massive molecule of oxygen that did not absorb a photon radiation presently. The 1st deadly radiation is absorbed by oxygen and causes the creation of ozone. Ozone absorbs the second of the 2 deadly radiations which shields us from not only heat but the 2nd deadly radiation as well. By shining the same light that the oxygen absorbers to produce ozone at the intensity to produce ozone at the same rate the chlorine gas destroys ozone.
So we must regenerate the Ozone Layer and fix the Ph of our oceans within two years from now. I have written this to be easier for the many to understand the language. All rights are reserved.
R Hour: June 29 2026
I address Gods concern that we are to inpatient with our faith in one another to do what we came here to do. Now we have been taught what we can do, to give thanks for our self awareness. The lesson is, we need to regenerate the Ozone layer and, fix the PH in the ocean to fulfill our desire to thank him. He has shown us this is the way. To survive we must do this, it’s our gateway to reach our full potential. We all need to except the nurishment God offers to us, after all God created us and, who better to give us what we need to reach our full potential. To deny God’s nourishment for another source will only develop rotten wood inside us, and we would only bare sour grapes.
I love you all,
I am,
Respectfully yours,
Edward D. Nelson